Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Grey Crocheted Cable Work Purse

I finally finished a project worthy of posting! I am really proud of this.
I am a new member of the Governance Council for our school district's new charter high school. So lots of notes, papers, etc... to lug around. I also have lots of notes to take for my church meetings, so I wanted a tote/purse that could carry my note-taker and my folders. Along with obvious purse "stuff."

We drove to Florida over Christmas and I thought what better time to crochet. So I crocheted this in the car over about 2 days. I lined it yesterday. I used it today!!
I based the crochet part on this pattern. I used the stitches as a loose guide, but I  honestly didn't use the pattern at all, however I want to make sure credit for the idea goes where it belongs.

This is what the inside looks like. I only have my note-taker in there during the picture, so it's sort of hard to see. There is a large pocket on one side for my note-taker. The other side has a large pocket with a snap closure for my folders. I have rings & clips for my keys, lip chap, phone, etc.. I have elastic loops for pens/pencils. It looks floppier than it is. It totally stands on its own. There are also small silver feet on the bottom. 
If I were to make it again, I would have made the top black band slightly higher. I would have made the bag just a touch taller. But I love it oh so much!!

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