Sunday, June 1, 2008

Winding down

The school year is winding down right now. There is less than a week left. I have had a field trip to chaperone every week for the last month or so. It's quite fun to see the different ages interact. Quite a difference 2 years can make between what friendships entail and how important some things are.
On Friday we had our talent show. Honestly I barely even knew we had a talent show. There'd be a little blurb in some newsletter saying it's coming up, but never anything after that. Well, this year my little Lore decided he MUST be in the talent show. The conversation went something like this;
L: Mom, I have to be in the talent show, what's my talent?
M: Honey you have lots of talents, I'm not sure what you'd like to show off in front of the school though. There's singing, dancing, you are pretty good at the splits and cartwheels, you could somehow work those into an act.
L: No, I don't want to sing, or dance, and the whole school has already seen me do the splits. I am a great arm farter!
M: Yes, you are quite good at arm farting, I'm not sure the teachers want to hear you arm fart for 3 minutes though.
L: Yeah, they get weird about that. Maybe I could do something with my brothers.
M: That could be fun, it'll have to be something they like too though.
L: Well, then it'll have to be a comedy act, they probably are afraid that someone will laugh at them, but they can't get upset if someone laughs if it's a comedy right!?!

Oh, 7 year olds can be so wise! That was about a month and a half ago. They narrowed some things down, and came up with an act. Tried out, got in. I made them hats. They practiced, and it was performed on Friday. Here's what they did.

The shakiness on the camera is from me laughing. The woman next to me was literally in tears laughing so hard, I couldn't stop laughing myself.
I made the hats out of a thin lining fabric, so they could see through them. It has wire for the brim and the top to hold it's shape. Levi changed how he wanted his hands, that's why his eyes are covered too much.
They did such a great job, I am so proud of them. And they are sort of rock stars at school right now.

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